Hey there 👋🏾,
I'm Edmund Ekott, a Frontend Engineer currently living in Munich, Germany.
I've been building web applications since 2017 having worked on products like Mezovest and Onboardly in their infancy. also relatively large, fast-growing companies like Paystack, Fueled and Retorio .
I've always been a tinkerer and I try to find time to build personal projects once in a while, like the Edgar 🤖 and Coinstal 💰.
- JavaScript / TypeScript
- TailwindCSS / SCSS
- Vue.js / Nuxt.js / Gridsome
- React.js / React Native/ Next.js
- Unit / E2E Tests
- Storybook
- CI / CD
- Node
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Heroku / Vercel / Netlify / GCP
I try to write about technologies I find interesting.
Shoot me an email
I also ❤️ animating SVGs sometimes